Off-street parking charges are set to rise from next month.

Adur and Worthing Councils said it has had to raise the price of parking by 10p an hour to continue being able to fund other services across Worthing.

These changes are set to be in place from August 30.

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This means that motorists parking at the multi-storey car parks will have to pay £1.40 rather than £1.30 for a one-hour stay from Monday to Saturday.

On Sundays, it will cost £1.10 rather than £1.

An hour parking at the Beach House sites will cost £1.40 from August 30, with motorists having to pay £1.20 an hour to park at the Brooklands car parks.

The Lyndhurst Road, Teville Gate and Montague Centre car parks will cost £1.50 for an hour of parking.

A spokesman for Adur and Worthing Councils said: "We’re keeping the increases to off-street parking charges in Worthing as low as we can this year to minimise the impact on our citizens and businesses.

"We recognise that the effect of increases is felt more in the pockets of less well-off families so we’ve tried to keep the cost down to as little as 10p per hour extra to park in the borough.

"We’ve also discussed the changes with the business-led Worthing Town Centre Initiative, which works to help our town centre thrive.

"Increasing demand for our services and years of inadequate central government funding is unfortunately having a significant effect on our budgets.

"The extra income will help fund our other services across the town including the collection of waste and recycling, the management of our parks and green spaces and the cleaning of the town centre."

Since announcing the change in parking charges on Friday, residents have taken to social media to complain.

Stuart Spencer said: "All that it will do is force the customers out of the town centre and they will travel out of town for their purchases. The town centre will become a ghost town."

Nigel Morgan said: "To avoid pushing cars onto the streets, car parks always need to be cheaper than the roads. If not you will just cause residents to have parking problems."