Poor weather has impacted sales and footfall at the Palace Pier.

The Brighton Pier Group PLC has revealed in a trading update published on Friday that the Brighton Palace Pier has been hit by the adverse impact of poor weather.

The group, which owns and trades the pier, reported that footfall for the four-week period in July, up to July 21, was 29% down in comparison to the same period last year.

The report reads: “In the recent months since the last update, poor weather has continued adversely impacting sales at the pier, through a combination of rides closures and lower footfall."

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Despite warmer weather in recent days and the new £1 admission fee, the group still anticipates that sales for the year will be lower than expected.

The group anticipates that sales will be down for the whole yearThe group anticipates that sales will be down for the whole year (Image: The Argus)

Anne Ackord, chief executive officer, said: “Despite significant efforts by our divisional management teams, who continue as always to strive for the best results possible, the overall group trading performance year to date has been disappointing.

“The potential return of summer weather in the next six weeks, combined with the additional revenue from admission charging may offset some of the year to date trading deficit.

“Nevertheless, it is the board's view that the trading for the full 2024 summer season will be below expectations."