A lifeboat station volunteer has completed a challenging triathlon in under seven hours to raise money for the RNLI.

Eastbourne RNLI volunteer Ben Saunders, 23, completed the IronBourne middle-distance challenge on July 14.

This included a 1900metre swim, a 90 kilometre cycle and a 21.1 kilometre run.

READ MORE: Volunteer, 86, retires after almost two decades of service

He completed this in six hours, 37 minutes and 49 seconds.

Ben, who has volunteered at the RNLI since June 2022, took part in the challenge, in Eastbourne, to raise funds for the rescue charity.

Donations can still be made at  https://www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/ben-saunders-D744?.

Before the event, Ben said the triathlon would be "no easy task" for him to do and would be an "incredible challenge".

He also said that he hopes that by taking part in the triathlon, he will be able to raise awareness of the work the RNLI do in Eastbourne and across the country.

Ben said: "I have been a part of the team since June 2022 and have received continuous training on operating our two lifeboats.

"All of the work done by the RNLI is entirely funded by donations and without it we wouldn’t be able to carry out our lifesaving work."

He has raised £745 so far.