Tyres were dumped near a river in Sussex.

Adur District Council has issued an appeal and a warning following the flytipping incident which saw items thrown over the flood defence wall near Ricardo’s Shoreham Technical Centre.

The council warned flytipping can lead to a fine of up to £50,000 and imprisonment.

“Do you know who is responsible for flytipping waste on the banks of the Adur?” said the spokesman.

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“We are working to remove the items, which are mostly made up of old motorcycle tyres, as soon as possible and will do our best to avoid damaging the natural environment.

“Flytipping is a crime and we will take action against anyone found doing so, which could lead to a fine of up to £50,000 and imprisonment.

“We urge anyone with information on this incident to please come forward by emailing: compliance@adur-worthing.gov.uk.”