A petrol station has reopened after being closed for two months.

The Tesco station at The Holmbush Centre, in Shoreham, welcomed motorists back on Wednesday after the entire site was closed for eight weeks in May.

The supermarket said this was to allow for major refurbishment works such as replacing the underground fuel tanks.

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This meant some of the site had to be dug up and re-tarmacked.

During this time, the area was closed off with fences and security staff were on site to keep it safe.

A sign was put up by the Tesco store entrance to inform drivers that the next nearest Tesco petrol station was ten miles away in West Durrington.

Many people opted for closer alternatives such the Texaco garage near Mayberry's Garden Centre in Portslade, just a mile away.

The Tesco supermarket remained open as usual throughout the works.