An underweight owl found in a hedge by a dog is making steady progress.

The owl was taken in to the East Sussex Wildlife Rescue and Ambulance Service hospital in a plant pot by a member of the public.

The centre in Whitesmith, near Lewes, cared for it in its orphan room and helped feed it until it was able to feed itself.

The owl was found in a hedge by a dog (Image: East Sussex Wildlife Rescue and Ambulance Service)

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The next step is for the owl to learn how to fly before it can be discharged.

He is now able to feed himself (Image: East Sussex Wildlife Rescue and Ambulance Service)

A spokesman for the rescue centre said: "We've grown a tawny owl.

"Arriving at the centre after having been discovered by a dog in a hedge, this young owl was underweight and in need of some extra care.

"He has now graduated from our orphan room and is feeding for himself.

"It won't be long before they are into an aviary building their strength and practising their flight."