An additional storey could be added to a block of flats despite dozens of objections from concerned residents. 

Brighton and Hove City Council gave prior approval to add an extra floor to Mayfield Court, Lustrells Vale, in Saltdean despite widespread fears.

According to the plans, which received 42 objections in total, the new storey will house nine flats and will look very similar to the other floors in the block.

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However, some residents said the development would be "detrimental" to the neighbourhood if it does go ahead.

One objector said: "I vehemently object to the proposed development.

"The height is totally out of keeping with the rest of Lustrells Vale and surrounding area.

"It will cause misery and distress to the existing residents of 30 flats for the sake of providing eight one-bed flats and one two-bed flat.

"It will cause chaos to the traffic problems in Lustrells Vale."

Someone else told the council: "Adding an additional storey would be hugely inappropriate and make the building completely out of keeping with the rest of the area.

"It would overlook the school and overshadow all areas around it, whilst also impeding the views of surrounding properties.

"The redevelopment would be extremely disruptive to local residents and the school children themselves.

"The noise pollution and dust associated with the redevelopment would be unbearable for all local residents, many of whom work night shifts.

"They would be unable to sleep whilst the development was ongoing, causing huge stress, and putting strain on their mental health.

"There would be an increase in traffic on an already very busy road with a bus route by a school and there is no room to provide additional parking to new residents. The redevelopment would also have a detrimental impact on house prices in the surrounding area."

One resident who lives in the block of flats wrote: "The proposed works will massively impact the street scene, with the flats being an additional whole story which would be not in keeping with the whole of Lustrells Vale.

"It would stand out and be overbearing on the road, the shops, and look completely out of place with the rest of the road. It is not within the building line of this area.

"The proposed works will massively affect the health and well-being of the residents in Mayfield Court.

"I have a heart condition and the stress the works will cause as well as the air pollution will be detrimental to my health and also everyone's health who lives here."

The plans, submitted by LRA Retinue Limited on behalf of applicant Mr Isaac Rafaeli, were given prior approval on Tuesday by Brighton and Hove City Council.