A "role model" gymnastics coach of more than 20 years has won an award for her dedication to the job.

Tracey Angell was named Sports Coach of the Year, beating people from more than 230 leisure centres across the UK.

The head gymnastics coach at Westgate Leisure Centre in Chichester picked up the Everyone Active award and said she "could not believe it".

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Tracey, who lives in Chichester, was a swimming teacher before becoming a coach. She said: "Watching my daughter at gymnastics I realised there was an opportunity to make the sport more inclusive and accessible locally.

"I wanted to create an environment where no one would be turned away, regardless of gender or ability. Growing up I loved sports which I excelled in.

"As I grew to my teens a teacher told me I wasn’t putting my full effort in and to try harder, which I was. It made me feel I wasn’t good enough.

"I don't want any child to feel pushed aside or not good enough.

"I'm passionate about recognising every child's worth and giving them opportunities to reach their potential."

Tracey's dedication has led to the development of a flourishing gymnastics programme at Westgate which now instructs 145 children per week, which includes the Westgate Gymnastics Club.

She was given the award by Stuart Mills, of Everyone Active, and Richard Minton, general manager at Westgate Leisure Centre, in a presentation along with a group of her pupils.

She said: "I really couldn't believe it. This award means so much to me and makes what I do all the more worthwhile. It's more than a job – it's incredibly rewarding and fulfilling.

"I have to give credit to my team and my partner in coaching, Michelle West. Without them, this wouldn't be possible.

"I want to recognise everyone as an individual and help them realise their self-worth.

"If there's something they really want to try, I encourage them to go for it.

"I've seen so many children come in, never having tried gymnastics before, frightened to attempt it. But very often, they surprise themselves with what they can achieve."

As well as co-ordinating gymnastics camps during holidays, Tracey mentors younger coaches and organises competitions that attract gymnasts from other centres and clubs.

Stuart said: "Tracey's passion for gymnastics is clear for all to see and is the embodiment of what we strive for at Everyone Active.

"Her impact extends far beyond the sports hall – she positively influences the lives of hundreds of young people in our community.

"We're not just lucky to have Tracey, she's a true asset to Everyone Active and a role model for coaches nationwide."

Richard said: "Tracey goes the extra mile in providing quality sports lessons each week, ensuring the sessions are fun, safe and challenging.

"Her genuine interest in every child and parent has created a uniquely inclusive and dynamic programme. Tracey doesn't just teach gymnastics, she inspires a lifelong love of fitness and personal growth."