A former post office which is now an art gallery and creative studio space is set to be transformed.

Colonnade House in Warwick Street, Worthing, is set to become more accessible and sustainable as a result of a grant from Arts Council England.

The venue, which opened in 2016, has been used to host creative events and provide a space for people to connect and collaborate on projects.

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The building is now at full capacity with two gallery spaces, ten studios and a programme of activities.

To make sure it remains safe and fit for purpose, Worthing Borough Council will be starting improvement works on the building next summer.

This includes creating an accessible entrance system, repairing the building’s roof, and installing solar panels, triple glazing and ground source heat pumps.

The improvements will be largely funded by the Arts Council England grant of over £460,000.

The council will also contribute £40,000.

A spokesman for Worthing Borough Council said: "We are supporting the Arts Council’s grant, worth more than £460,000, with a contribution of more than £40,000 to the project.

"We hope the works will cause minimal disruption so creatives can continue using the gallery and studio space during the upgrade."