A much-loved primary school teacher who has been working in education for 30 years is up for an award.

Gerry Wilcock, who teaches at St Richard's Catholic Primary School in Cawley Road, Chichester, has been nominated in the National Teacher of the Year competition.

She has been a member of staff at the school for 24 years.

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Karen Courquin, the special educational needs co-ordinator at St Richard's school, said: "The children adore Mrs Wilcock.

"If you ask current and past pupils their favourite teacher, Mrs Wilcock is right up there, even including my own two children.

"The children thrive in her classroom because she is warm, caring and sees each child’s potential and talents, she values them for who they are.

"Even with 30 years in teaching, Mrs Wilcock still has so much drive and enthusiasm."

As well as teaching, Mrs Wilcock has led PE and the netball club at the school, and has managed the school choir.

The school's deputy headteacher Mrs Bridges said: "Mrs Wilcock brightens up a room when she walks into it.

"She is very chirpy, and brings a positive mindset to everything she does. Mrs Wilcock is well loved and respected by our whole community, and plays a large role in parish life.   

“I think Mrs Wilcock is such a good teacher because of the enthusiasm she brings to every lesson and every interaction.

"For the children, she makes the lessons fun and exciting. She has high expectations for the children coupled with boundless energy, and makes every child feel special, celebrating their successes and finding the positives when placed lower down the table.

“If you meet Mrs Wilcock, her warmth, kindness and sense of humour instantly puts you at ease. I can’t think of a better recipient for Teacher of the Year than Mrs Wilcock.”

The Teacher of the Year competition, which is run by Miconex and sponsored by GiftRound, gives people the chance to nominate their favourite teacher.

This can be done at teacheroftheyear.co.uk.

The winner will be announced in September and will win a gift voucher.

All types of teachers are eligible including primary and secondary school teachers, higher education teachers, early years teachers and special educational needs teachers

Nominations will stop on August 31.