Neighbours are furious about plans to build homes and parking on green space in a residential street.

Developers have submitted proposals for six homes and 17 parking spaces on land off Myrtle Road and Valley Road in Crowborough.

Residents are campaigning against the development which they believe will have a negative impact on wildlife in the town and have made objections to Wealden District Council.

Mock-ups show what the homes could look likeMock-ups show what the homes could look like (Image: Wealden District Council)

Alan Mitchell, who lives in nearby Trenches Road, slammed the proposals for the homes, made up of three three-bedroom houses, and three four-bedroom houses.

“This would be a disaster," he said

“Access for construction would be in Trenches and Valley Road.

“Parking is an issue anyway, let alone with construction traffic. Lots of trees would need to be cut down and Crowborough can't sell the houses that are already being built.”

Others said the development, comprising four detached homes and a semi-detached pair, would make the area unsafe for children who play in the streets nearby.

READ MORE: 'We pay for expensive parking and can't use it': Anger as film crews take over street

“Causing lorries to come in and out of the Trenches Road and Valley Road will cause road blockages, as well as building dirt onto the road,” said Kerry Lowery, who also lives in Trenches Road.

“It will also add to the pot holes that have failed to be repaired on Trenches Road. This will cause chaos at peak school times.”

Another mock-up of one of the homesAnother mock-up of one of the homes (Image: Wealden District Council)

Another objector, named only as Mrs Crosswell, said: “18 or more trees, including two oaks, will be removed.

“While the need for housing is understood and accepted, it should not be provided at the expense of woodland areas which will have a major impact on the wildlife that lives there, and contribute to clean air.”

Yvonne Bill, who also lives in Trenches Road, said the plans would have an “enormous” impact on wildlife, including a fox den in the greenspace.

Liz Mankletow, who lives nearby, said: “The removal of trees will be detrimental to many birds and bats sighted in the area.”

In its planning statement, the developer said : “The site is located off a cul de sac serving 12 existing dwellings. The addition of 6 new dwellings would not affect matters of highway safety or capacity. The proposals deliver 17 parking spaces including two visitor bays, together with space for cycle parking

“The proposed housing is intended to provide high quality, purpose built living accommodation with a good level of space, light and outlook.

“The proposals will extend Valley Road into the site with dwellings arranged in a similar fashion either side of the access road.

“The site has a number of trees within it but as noted in the section below, most are Grade C and include non-native, conifers and fruit trees. The important and characterful trees are retained. Whilst this will alter the appearance of the site, it would not unduly harm the wider character of the area.

“The submitted proposals have been carefully considered in relation to trees, topography and matters of environmental importance.”