A nursing home which was rated inadequate in a damning report has been taken out of special measures.

Asher Nursing Home, in Hove, was rated inadequate and put into special measures following a visit from the Care Quality Commission (CQC) in October.

But since then, the home, where there had been concerns about some rooms being unhygienic and residents smoking in their rooms, has made a marked improvement.

The premises, in Wilbury Gardens, were assessed by the watchdog earlier this year and in a report published on July 5 inspectors found “significant improvements” had been made.

“Previously we were concerned about people’s safety, especially around fire risks and infection prevention and control (IPC). We also had previous concerns that the home was not well led and managerial oversight was lacking,” the report said.

READ MORE: 'Unsafe' care home locked resident in room for 12 hours a day

“During this assessment we found that significant improvements had been made and the service is no longer in special measures.

“Safety measures were much improved and policies had been put in place to minimise risks. For example, new smoking and alcohol use policies had been introduced to support staff in addressing any concerns that may arise.

“Accidents and incidents were being reported and acted upon more robustly. People’s care plans were more holistic and person centred.”

The nursing home, which was branded inadequate, is now rated requires improvement in all five areas: safe, effective, caring, responsive and well led.

“Although many improvements had been made at the service, these needed time to be embedded in day-to-day practice to ensure they are effective and further improvement can be driven going forward,” the watchdog said.

Residents say they feel safe at Asher and believe it is progressing well.

“They spoke positively about the changes that had been made and how the improvements have impacted their lives,” the report said.

“They told us that Asher was a much nicer place to live with a better atmosphere. Relatives also spoke of how pleased they were that changes had been made.

“Comments included, ‘I like it here very much’, ‘I’m happy here at the moment’, ‘Staff are doing their best’ and ‘There has been a marked improvement in presentation and cleanliness’.”

A spokesman from Parkview Care Homes, Asher, said: "We are delighted that after a re-inspection, Asher Nursing Home has moved from an inadequate rating to a requires improvement rating within a very short time frame.

"Asher is no longer in special measures due to the hard work of the whole staff team working at Asher and their commitment and dedication to the service as a whole and to the individuals living within the home.

"The company has overhauled the daily structure and adopted new ways of working which have been implemented and led to the improved rating.

"The company have recruited a very experienced manager who will be starting at Asher in early September and we are confident she will work closely with us in order to continue to improve the service and will be a welcome addition to the staff team and we look forward to working with her."