The “mystic meerkats” have returned with a prediction for the England v Netherlands Euros semi-final.

The meerkats at Drusillas Park, near Alfriston, have continued to back the Three Lions in their quest for the European Championships 2024 trophy.

The “psychic” meerkats have forecast an England win in the match against the Netherlands today, which kicks off at 5pm in Dortmund.

The animals became an internet sensation in the last men’s Euros in 2021, with a perfect prediction record.

The meerkats' prediction of an England win against Slovakia was fulfilled after the team’s 2-1 victory following a last-minute stoppage time equaliser by Jude Bellingham and a second screamer from Harry Kane in extra time. They did predict an England win against Switzerland but showed interest in the Swiss bucket, suggesting it would be close, which it was. England won on penalties on Saturday.

READ MORE: Euros: Drusillas' mystic meerkats predict England win against Slovakia

The meerkats have accurately predicted the outcomes for Gareth Southgate’s team every match so far, as well as the Lionesses’ results right the way up to last year’s World Cup final.

The special method involves two buckets of worms (a meerkat delicacy), each with a team's flag on. The buckets are placed down before the meerkats are released and left to choose which bucket they would prefer to eat from.

The bucket surrounded by the most meerkats is then declared the predicted winner.

Head keeper Gemma Romanis said: “I think we were all quite surprised with Saturday’s result, when yet again the England squad came through when we really needed them to.

“It just goes to show that you shouldn’t doubt the mystic meerkats' psychic powers.”

Head keeper of Drusillas Park Gemma Romanis with the meerkatsHead keeper of Drusillas Park Gemma Romanis with the meerkats (Image: Drusillas Park/PA Wire)

Although the majority of the meerkats hedged their bets on an England win, a small number headed for the Netherlands bucket.

Gemma said: “So we don’t think it will be an easy match for the Lions.

“But they do seem sure England will pull it out of the bag again and make it through to the finals.

“We’re all keeping everything crossed for the England team and hoping they win as the meerkats have predicted.

“The meerkats have already forecast that England have what it takes to play their way into the finals, so it’s a double vote of confidence from them.

“Let’s hope it comes true on Wednesday.”