A consultation on the future of a fire station is under way.

The East Sussex Fire Authority is inviting people to share their views on Mayfield's On Call Community Fire Station in Tunbridge Wells Road, Mayfield.

The consultation will run until September 27, with the results being reviewed at a fire authority meeting in December.

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The fire authority said the station in Mayfield, which relies on on-call firefighters, is the lowest-activity station in the service.

Last year, the service was only able to respond to six per cent of emergencies rather than the 50 per cent target.

This is because there needs to be at least four members of a crew available for the fire engine to go out and the service did not have enough on-call firefighters available at the same time.

The fire authority also said that attempts to recruit more on-call firefighters had been unsuccessful.

To make sure resources are not being wasted and the service can respond promptly to emergencies in Mayfield, the fire authority has now put forward options for the fire station's future.

One option is to keep the service as it is and recruit more on-call firefighters to increase the ability to respond to incidents.

Other options involve closing the fire station to secure funds or resources which can be reinvested in some way.

More information about the exact proposals can be found at https://www.esfrs.org/have-your-say-mayfield-on-call-community-fire-station.

A spokesman for the East Sussex Fire Authority said: "East Sussex Fire and Rescue Service does more than simply respond to emergencies.

"It works to prevent emergencies from happening in the first place, and to protect people and property. It aims to do this by managing resources, budget and people as effectively as possible.

"The risks faced by local communities are changing and it has become harder to recruit on-call firefighters who can provide emergency cover at the times they are needed most.

"The service keeps the management of community risk including its fire stations and appliances under constant review."