A West Sussex Fire and Rescue Service station manager will cycle 100 miles in memory of two of his colleagues.

On Saturday, Jamie Cox will begin his ride from Winchester Fire Station and head across the South Downs Way to Eastbourne.

He will cycle overnight across three different counties, Hampshire, West Sussex and East Sussex.

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The challenge is a part of his annual fundraising event for The Fire Fighters Charity, which helps support serving and ex-fire service personnel and their families.

This year, Jamie said the ride is in memory of his two beloved colleagues Mark Butler and Simon Constable.

Mark, who lost his struggle with leukaemia, and Simon, who died after a fatal stroke in 2019, had a combined service of 66 years in the fire department.

Jamie said: "Not only do these annual events serve as an opportunity to remember Mark and Simon and honour their legacies, but they also raise awareness of The Fire Fighters Charity and the amazing work they do for firefighters and their families.

"We completed this challenge last year and were greeted by an amazing sunset and moonlit skies.

"However, this year we are expecting some rainfall, so we are expecting the route to be a little trickier this time around."

Jamie, who will be supported along the route by The Muckfield Wheelers Mountain Bike Group, is hoping to beat his time last year of 19 hours and 26 minutes, which included 14 hours and one minute moving time.

Donations can be made to the charity at https://justgiving.com/page/sdw24.

The fundraiser has already raised over £500.

All the money will be donated to The Fire Fighters Charity, which was formed under a different name during the Second World War to support the bereaved families of firefighters who had died during the Blitz.

It now helps all fire service personnel and their loved ones when they need it. This includes providing mental and physical health support.

The charity also hosts events such as children's activity days and adult residential programmes.