A young woman who killed a toddler in her care has been jailed for 12 years after a judge told her she is a danger to children and adults.

Shannon Driver, 27, shook 18-month-old Jaxon Syrett and smashed his head with the force of a car accident.

The judge said Jaxon was a helpless and vulnerable child left in the care of a callous and ruthless offender who used violence as a release for her personality disorder.

Driver shook her head as Mrs Justice Thornton KC said the tot’s grieving family may never know the truth about how or why he died.

Lewes Crown Court heard Driver had only been alone with Jaxon for 90 minutes before she phoned his father Kieran Irvin, her boyfriend, saying he had fallen in the shower and hit his head.

Before emergency services were called Driver put a wash on in a bid to conceal evidence.

She had also smoked cannabis on the day.

Jaxon SyrettJaxon Syrett (Image: Sussex Police)

The trial jury, sitting in Hove, heard she was not allowed to be left alone with children after threatening to throw her own child out of a window.

The jury found Driver guilty of manslaughter after hearing Jaxon had injuries consistent with being gripped tightly around the chest while being shaken, swung and thrown or slammed down on a hard surface.

The toddler died in hospital on September 24, 2020, after six days on life support.

Justice Thornton said Driver will serve at least eight years before she is eligible for parole.

Driver, from Bexhill, had a brutal upbringing which caused her to suffer from ADHD, PTSD and personality disorders.

They were no excuse for her killing a defenceless baby, the judge said.

Driver had violent fantasies and violent behaviour could be a release for her, the court heard.

She has an inability to control her anger and aggression.

The judge said: "Your traumatic upbringing has left deep scars on you. You can be highly volatile with a capacity for unpredictable violence. I am satisfied you are a dangerous offender."

Driver already had six convictions for violence including assaulting emergency services, total strangers and her own family.

Justice Thornton said: "You chose to prioritise your relationship and need for accommodation over the needs of a vulnerable toddler.

"He was in good spirits, giggly and trying to feed toast to the family dog.

"An hour and a half later, you phoned Kieran saying Jaxon had fallen in the shower.

"Only you know what happened to Jaxon.

"On your version of events his death was a tragic accident, on their verdict the jury showed they did not believe you.

"I have no doubt that you lost your temper with Jaxon.

"He was healthy happy toddler with his life ahead of him and it is obvious he was deeply loved by his family.

"Any sentence cannot possibly compensate them for the loss of Jaxon and their grief.”

Shannon DriverShannon Driver (Image: Sussex Police)

Psychiatric reports concluded Driver has difficulty controlling aggressive behaviour, disregard for feelings of others, callousness and ruthlessness.

The judge agreed these were likely to have been caused by the abuse she suffered as a child.

"Your traumatic upbringing has left deep scars on you," the judge told her. "There is a high risk of any child being raise in your care.

"There is a risk of harm to adults, in particular police.”

Lewis Power KC, defending, said Driver had a turbulent upbringing which tragically shaped her future.

He said: "She was let down by her family and the care system. She suffered regular and systematic beatings by her father.

"She is a young lady who has been given very little life chances.”

Jaxon’s father Dad Kieran Irvin said in a harrowing impact statement the death of his son had been overwhelming.

"It's hard to process when he was so innocent and helpless with no control over what happened,” he said.

"He was my world when he was born. He gave me so much joy. He was my priority.

"He was always a happy child, always had a smile on his face and he could put a smile on your face whatever mood you were in.”

Driver killed Jaxon as the family were preparing to celebrate Mr Irvin's birthday.

He said: "My birthday will never be the same. I just have the memory of him helplessly laying in my arms when they turned the machines off.

"I couldn't believe this was real. I thought I trusted her with Jaxon.

"If I knew this is what she was capable of, I wouldn't have been with her and he would be here today.”

Driver was looking after Jaxon while Mr Irvin was at work despite only being allowed supervised visits with her own son after threatening to throw him out of a window.

On the afternoon of September 18, 2020, emergency services were called to a property in London Road, Bexhill to a report of a seriously injured child.

Driver claimed Jaxon, Mr Irvin’s son with previous partner Chloe Syrett, had slipped and hit his head in the shower when she turned her back to grab a towel but paramedics noticed the child was dry and wearing a clean nappy.

Post mortem examinations found Jaxon suffered significant non-accidental injuries suggesting inflicted trauma. 

Jaxon died after his parents agreed to end life support. 

In a statement, Jaxon's family said: "The tragic loss of Jaxon has changed our lives for ever. We will never see Jaxon's cheeky smile again, nor hear his infectious laugh and will miss every milestone Jaxon had to reach. Jaxon had his whole life ahead of him. We as a family hold and cherish every memory we have of Jaxon.

"We would like to thank everyone who has been involved with this investigation, and in getting a conviction and some kind of justice for our baby. The support we’ve been given in such devastating circumstances has been so appreciated."

Driver was sentenced to 12 years custody with a five-year extended licence.

She will serve at least two thirds of the 12 years in custody.