New 5G equipment could be added to a telecommunications site in a busy residential area.

The site, on the roof of a Grade II listed building in Upper Market Street, Hove, is set for major upgrades as EE UK Ltd plans to remove and replace two antennas and swap the existing cabinet for two new ones.

The new equipment, which EE said would improve network coverage, will be limited in size if approved and will have "no discernible visual impact upon the character of the host building".

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The plans claim any impact visually would be outweighed by the benefits to the community.

Waldon, speaking on behalf of EE, said this included economic, social, educational, health and environmental benefits.

It said there is "a clear operational need for an upgraded network coverage solution" in this area and that it is in the public interest to provide it.

A spokesman for Waldon said: "The proposed infrastructure will allow local residents, businesses and visitors in the locale access to modern and up-to-date communications services.

"High quality and reliable communications infrastructure are essential for economic growth and social wellbeing and the demand for mobile data in the UK is increasing rapidly as households and businesses become increasingly reliant on mobile connectivity.

"The infrastructure must therefore be in place to ensure supply does not become a constraint on future demand.

"The government fully supports high quality communications infrastructure, even more so with the advent of 5G and the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, and decision makers must appreciate that that local planning authorities should support the expansion of electronic communications networks where impact is deemed to be acceptable or outweighed by benefit."

Brighton and Hove City Council will decide whether to approve the plans by August 21.

A consultation period is  under way for people to comment on the plans.