Thousands flocked to Brighton beach today to cool off in the heat.

The mercury soared to a scorching 27C this afternoon and the pebbles were packed with parasols stretching into the hazy distance.

Plenty of people dipped their feet into the still chilly Channel, with some heading further out to sea in colourful inflatables to make the most of the mini-heatwave.

A boy jumps off the groyne wearing Union Jack swimshortsA boy jumps off the groyne wearing Union Jack swimshorts (Image: Andrew Gardner / The Argus)

Forecasters predict temperatures will rise even higher tomorrow.

The Doughnut groyne, near the Palace Pier, had a constant flow of daredevil youngsters flipping and jumping off it into the water - under the watchful eye of lifeguards nearby.

Temperatures in Brighton this afternoon topped Tenerife, Majorca and Rome.

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