A traveller charity has called for more safe pitches as dozens more caravans have pitched in Sussex this year compared to last year.

More than 500 Traveller caravans were found to have pitched across Sussex at the beginning of the year with figures in Chichester and Adur up from 2023.

The statistics come as charity Friends, Families and Travellers warned that “entire families are stranded with nowhere to go” as they called for more safe stopping spots for caravans.

Figures for Sussex found that 553 travellers were pitched in Sussex in January 2024, the majority of which were pitched in authorised land.

Of the pitches, 118 were found to be unauthorised.

The vast majority of pitches in Sussex were found to be in Chichester where 278 caravans were set up in January.

The figure in Chichester had risen by nearly 100 caravans from the year before.

It comes as charities warned that gypsy, Roma and traveller communities in the UK risked having nowhere to stay due to a lack of safe stopping spaces.

A spokesperson for Friends, Families and Travellers, which works on behalf of gypsy, Roma and traveller communities across the UK, said a national shortage of safe stopping places has caused an increase in gypsies and travellers living on roadside camps.

"National government must ensure councils have the appropriate funding in place so that Gypsy and Traveller families can access secure living conditions through the creation of more safe stopping places," they added.

"Everyone deserves a safe place to rest."

The figures come after an influx in caravans in Sussex in recent weeks.

A number of caravans were spotted parked in Preston Park in June while pitches were also set up in Adur Park in Stone Cross.