A dolphin-loving cyclist says he wants to “bring his passions together” as he raises money to support the marine mammals.

Ben Boxer says he saw dolphins for the first time on the Sussex coast only two weeks ago but has had a passion for them since travelling to the Shetland Islands to go whale spotting.

Now, the 26-year-old wants to raise awareness of the diverse marine wildlife in the county and raise funds for charities supporting the creatures.

Ben, from Kemp Town, Brighton, said: “Seeing the dolphins felt really special, it’s hard to put into words.

“I’ve always been a keen cyclist and had an interest in marine biology and some people in the area don’t know that we have these dolphins right on our doorstep.

“I want to raise awareness of the wildlife that is here and cycling means that I am bringing my two passions together.”

Ben, who volunteers for the Sussex Dolphin Project, has been cycling along the Sussex coast as part of his “Wheels and Whales” project.

Now, after his partner moved to Vancouver, he says he wants to raise money for the project by cycling the length of the flight from the Canadian city to London – 7,500km.

After a slower start in February, Ben is now in the final stint of the fundraiser as he aims to complete the feat by the middle of July.

He said: “I’ve really enjoyed it. You get to explore so much of the South coast by doing it.

“Now I just need to keep up what I have been doing for the last couple of months. I know I can do it I just want to raise awareness and reach as many people as possible."

So far, Ben has raised more than £700 and is aiming to raise more through his JustGiving page.