A twilight walk to find nightjars takes place later this month.

More than 50 volunteers will explore Ashdown Forest after dark to find and count the nocturnal birds, which feed on insects and nest on the forest's lowland heath.

Throughout the day the bird is well camouflaged, which means the counting exercise has to be done at night when they are active.

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The number of nightjars in the forest is considered a significant factor to understand the health of the lowland heath.

Countryside manager Ash Walmsley said: "We will be listening as well as looking for the nightjar.

"The males have a very distinctive churring call.

"Our forest's lowland heath is a habitat that is even rarer than the rainforest so having a thriving nightjar population here is vital.

"The annual survey carried out by a team of volunteers and our rangers also helps the bigger picture.

They are well camouflaged in the day (Image: Ashdown Forest)

"The nightjar is protected by the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 and on the UK conservation Amber watch list."

People who want to take part in next year’s nightjar survey should contact Ashdown Forest on its website at www.ashdownforest.org.

The birds arrive at the forest in May from Africa and nest close to the paths.

When the chicks hatch, their eyes are already open and they can walk but they are not able to fly for around 18 days, which makes them vulnerable to predators and disturbance from dogs and human visitors.

The parents hunt at dawn and dusk and feed their offspring for around 12 days before they embark on the long journey back to Africa.

Mr Walmsley said: "These are amazing birds and we are so lucky to have them on the forest.

"Visitors can help us protect the nightjars by keeping themselves and their dogs to the designated paths when exploring the forest and by picking up dog poo.

"Dog poo acts as a fertiliser and can damage the heathland plants which depends on low nutrients to thrive. Our visitors play a key role in the protection and preservation of the nightjar."