Southern Water has spent nearly £8 million pounds on improvements at a sewage treatment site.

The work at Battle Wastewater Treatment Works will increase the capacity of the site and help reduce storm overflows.

The latest milestone in the project involves building an additional secondary settlement humus tank and installing a scraper bridge.

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This will help in the final stages of treating sewage to remove solids and remaining waste particles.

A new storm tank is also being installed to increase capacity for storage during storms and heavy rainfall.

This means more sewage can be fully treated at the site and storm overflows will be used more rarely.

Project manager for Southern Water Sunday Odusola said: “We’re pleased to see this project progressing well, we’re keen to continue investing in our treatment works to improve our environmental performance improve water quality and reduce the number of storm overflows.

“Alongside the work our Clean Rivers and Seas Task Force are doing to reduce storm overflows, it’s vital that we make upgrades to our wastewater treatment works so we can treat more flows and improve water quality."