An MP hopeful and drummer from Blur has launched a competition to find the most destructive potholes in his area.

Dave Rowntree, best known for his hits with the Brit-award-winning band, has launched Pothole of the Year to highlight the holey pandemic plaguing Mid Sussex.

The 60-year-old, who is standing as Labour’s candidate in the constituency at the General Election, said 7,400 potholes have been reported in Mid Sussex since the beginning of March.

Read more: Potholes filled as police continue to investigate fatal four-car crash

The contest, which claims to “finally give Mid Sussex potholes the attention they deserve”, was launched with a website and gives Mid Sussex residents the opportunity to nominate local potholes to compete for the grand prize - The Flat Tyre trophy.

Dave Rowntree, Feargal Sharkey and Tom Gray in BrightonDave Rowntree, Feargal Sharkey and Tom Gray in Brighton (Image: Tom Gray/the Labour Party)

 “Between 2018 and 2022, some 451 people were severely injured or killed due to pothole-related incidents across England, Scotland and Wales,” said Mr Rowntree.

“This should be a huge priority, but the broken roads in Mid Sussex are the perfect metaphor for the local Conservative and Liberal Democrat councils. Every bump should be a reminder of their failure.

Read more: Lucky to be alive: Mum and son upside down in crushed car after 'pothole crash'

“When I speak to local people, one of the first things they mention is their frustration with the number of potholes on our roads.

“As a resident of Mid Sussex I share their feelings, indeed anyone who drives around our streets can see how much of a problem this is. Other areas have fixed this problem and it's about time we did too. If I’m fortunate enough to be elected, I will make this issue a top priority so residents will no longer have to put up with this needless risk to their lives and vehicles."

Former Conservative MP for Mid Sussex Mims Davies is running for re-election in the new constituency of East Grinstead and Uckfield following boundary changes.

She has been replaced in Mid Sussex by Kristy Adams.

Mr Rowntree has been a member of the Labour Party for many years, having previously served as a councillor in Norfolk.

This will be his second time standing as a Labour candidate at a general election, after running against then-Conservative MP Mark Field in the constituency of Cities of London and Westminster.