Children are “incredibly respectful” and show “enormous kindness” at an outstanding nursery.

Charlie Bear’s Nursery, Seaford, was given the highest rating from Ofsted following an inspection in May.

The nursery, in the Mercread Youth Centre, has improved from a previous rating of good.

Inspectors praised staff for the way they interact with children, which has helped them develop “wonderful” social skills, their “comprehensive” understanding of children’s needs and for the “exciting and stimulating” activities and opportunities they plan and provide.

They said staff know all their charges “exceedingly well” and provide extensive support for children with special educational needs and/or disabilities, as well as children whose first language is not English.

“All children make outstanding progress in their learning and development,” the report said.

“Staff expertly plan and provide a range of exciting and stimulating activities and opportunities.

“These successfully encourage children to engage, be curious and inquisitive in their play, showing extreme motivation to learn. Throughout the nursery, children are engrossed in experiences that fully capture their imaginations.

“They laugh excitedly with friends as they dance and reach to catch bubbles and as they jump in puddles. Young children marvel at the different sized splashes they create by throwing items into water.”

Children at the nursery “thrive” in its outdoor area and develop “superb” independence and physical skills.

“For example, when they find snails, children show great respect exploring their shell patterns and watching them move before carefully carrying them to a place of safety,” the report said.

“Staff use their excellent questioning skills and quality interactions to help children learn about living things.”

Inspectors lauded the nursery’s “inspirational” manager who “is dedicated to developing an outstanding staff team and nursery” and said parents are “extremely complimentary about the 'amazing' staff and the nursery and the knowledge and relationship staff have with their children”.

Ofsted also commended the nursery’s safeguarding measures, saying there is an “open and positive culture” that puts children's interests first.

The nursery currently cares for 26 children up to the age of four.