A fire in derelict building is believed to be arson.

Fire crews responded to a blaze in a derelict building in Crawley yesterday evening.

Six fire engines attended the scene alongside two water carriers, an aerial ladder platform and an off-road vehicle.

The crews worked all night to control the fire, which was reported to be extinguished at 7.57am this morning.

Thermal imaging of the fireThermal imaging of the fire (Image: Sussex News and Pictures)

West Sussex Fire and Rescue believes the fire was started deliberately and is being looked into by police.

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A spokeswoman for West Sussex Fire and Rescue said: “Last night (June 20) at 6.30pm we responded to a fire at a derelict building in Ifield Green, Crawley.

Fire crews worked through the night to extinguish the flamesFire crews worked through the night to extinguish the flames (Image: Sussex News and Pictures)

"At the height of the incident we had six fire engines, two water carriers, an aerial ladder platform and an off-road vehicle at the scene.

"Firefighters worked throughout the night to extinguish the large fire using hose reels, jets and a thermal imaging camera.

"Fortunately there were no casualties.

"The fire is believed to be of deliberate ignition and the incident has now been handed over to Sussex Police."