Over 200 teenagers celebrated the end of exam season last weekend.

Sussex Police officers attended the mass gathering, which has become a yearly tradition for students in the city, to help keep everyone in the area safe.

A spokesman for Brighton and Hove Police said: "Hove Lawns was where it was at last weekend, according to around 250 school leavers.

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"PC Hutson and PC Madgin were helping with the large celebration of the local year 11 students, who had just completed their GCSEs.

"Police were present to ensure that all there were celebrating safely and made sure that everyone made it home safe and sound.

"Good luck to all students still sitting their exams. Final stretch now."

The gathering happens every year despite previous problems.

This includes fights, arrests, alcohol bottles left discarded on the grass and flares set off by teenagers.

Last year, two boys aged 15 and 16 were arrested when hundreds of schoolchildren gathered in Hove Lawns.

A Section 34 dispersal order was put in place so police had powers to direct people to leave the area if they deemed it necessary.

Police reported that no arrests were made from this year's event.