A judge has said the "ever growing" knife crime among young people is causing "untold damage".

Judge Christine Henson KC made the remarks when sentencing 17-year-old Yura Varybrus for the murder of 17-year-old Charlie Cosser.

Varybrus, who was 16 at the time, stabbed Charlie in the chest in a marquee on the grounds of a farmhouse at a private party attended by more than 100 people in Warnham, near Horsham, last July 23.

The Argus:

READ MORE: Teenager sentenced to life in prison for murdering 17-year-old

This article is part of our Cut Knife Crime campaign.

Our mission is to reduce knife crime and the number of people being injured and killed in stabbings through:

  • Increasing the use of knife amnesty bins.
  • Educating young people about knife crime and making them aware of the effects it has on not just the victim, but those around them
  • Having more bleed control kits in pubs, shops and businesses

The trial and sentencing took place at Lewes Crown Court, sitting in BrightonThe trial and sentencing took place at Lewes Crown Court, sitting in Brighton

Sentencing Varybrus at Lewes Crown Court, sitting in Brighton on Wednesday, Judge Henson said: "Charlie Cosser was 17 years of age when he was murdered. He was still a child. He had everything to look forward to in his life. He went to the party held on private land in Sussex expecting to have fun before his holiday abroad with friends due to begin on the Monday.

"There is no evidence Charlie had ever been involved in any confrontations or fights in his life. He was a slight male and although a little older than you Yura, by all accounts far less broad

“Instead of what should have been an end of academic year celebration,  Charlie was stabbed a number of times on a crowded marquee dance floor.

“The impact of the loss of Charlie to his family and friends is immeasurable.”

She sentenced Varybrus to life in prison with a minimum term of at least 16 years behind bars, minus the 328 days he has already been in custody.

Judge Henson said she sentenced Varybrus "solely on what you did, the choices you made and your personal circumstances".

She said he was not responsible for it, but highlighted "the ever growing knife crime amongst young people and the untold damage and impact it is having on our communities".

If you can host a bleed control pack in your business or support our campaign in any way contact campaigns@theargus.co.uk.