Feargal Sharkey and Dave Rowntree have backed fellow musician Tom Gray to deliver for Labour as the trio continue on the General Election campaign trail in Brighton.

The Undertones frontman and Blur drummer headed to the seafront to support Mr Gray in his bid to take Brighton Pavilion from the Greens on July 4.

Sharkey said that both Mr Gray and Mr Rowntree, who is running for Labour in Mid Sussex, know how to deliver – and backed the pair to head into Parliament on July 5.

The singer turned environmental campaigner said: “Tom Gray and I go back a very long way and I have worked with him and know what a brilliant campaigner he is.

"I watched up close and personal and he will lay his body down on the tracks just to deliver for people.

"He will be a fantastic MP and I’m happy to come down and support in any way that I can.

“The simple thing about the music industry is if you want to survive you have to learn how to deliver.”

Tom Gray, Feargal Sharkey and Dave Rowntree came together on Brighton seafront yesterday to support each other’s campaigns as the General Election looms in almost two weeks’ time.

Mr Gray, formerly guitarist and vocalist of Gomez and now chairman of the Ivors academy, behind the Ivor Novello music awards, is looking to unseat the Greens in Brighton Pavilion by pipping Sian Berry to the seat vacated by Caroline Lucas.

The seat is largely expected to be a two-way contest between the Greens and Labour. The Liberal Democrats, Conservatives and a number of independent and minority party candidates are also standing.

In Mid Sussex, former Blur drummer Dave Rowntree is looking to take Mid Sussex from the Tories following boundary changes to the constituencies.

He said: “There has been so many radical changes in the music industry and we have grown up in our political careers doing that.

“I’m getting virtually no sleep but it’s like being on tour, you are charging from thing to thing and speaking to people, I’m really enjoying it.

“I think I will win but it will be a scrap right to the end. It’s going to be tight but that’s why it’s one of those elections where everyone’s votes really do count.”

Mr Rowntree committed to tackling potholes in Mid Sussex as well as re-building Burgess Hill town centre and improving infrastructure to keep up with newly built houses in the area.

Mr Rowntree will be looking to claim the seat against Conservative candidate Kristy Adams and overturn a majority of over 18,000 seats in the constituency.

The Liberal Democrats, Monster Raving Loony Party, Green Party and Reform UK are all also putting forward candidates.

Boundary changes mean that the previous Mid Sussex MP, Mims Davies, will now stand in East Grinstead and Uckfield.

Constituents will go to the polls on July 4 with results announced in the early hours of July 5.