A teenage killer who fatally stabbed another boy on a crowded dancefloor can be named for the first time today after the order protecting his identity was lifted.

Yura Varybrus, the son of Ukrainian parents, knifed Charlie Cosser, 17, after being asked to leave an end-of-term party in the grounds of a country farmhouse last July.

Varybrus, who will be 18 in November, had never met Charlie before the party at Balmohano Farmhouse in Warnham, near Horsham.

He can be named for the first time after applications from reporters were allowed by Judge Christine Henson KC.

Lifting his anonymity, Judge Henson said: "This is a case that is a particularly grave crime and has attracted substantial national and local interest.

The level of youth crime in this case is likely to be of significant public interest at a private party attended by many young people.

"Charlie Cosser's death has shocked a community and the family have set up a charity to fight against knife crime. Disclosure may aid the local community in coming to terms with this incident.

"The consideration of acting as a deterrent in future knife crime of young people is a proper objective of press reporting to act as a deterrent to others."

Varybrus, now 17, was only 16 when he stabbed Charlie, known as Cheeks.

His identity was protected by his age.

The 5ft 11in teenager was described as a "big lad" by people who saw him at the party.

Varybrus had been drinking heavily throughout the night and claimed he could not remember anything about the killing.

Despite going to the same school as some of the other guests, Charlie and his killer had never met.

Judge Christine Henson KC will sentence Yura Varybrus at Lewes Crown Court, sitting in Brighton, today.