Radio equipment at a university campus will be upgraded with electronic communications.

Plans submitted by Cornerstone and approved by Brighton and Hove City Council proposed replacing six existing antennas with six new ones.

The work will also see the installation of a 300mm dish antenna, internal equipment room works and ancillary works.

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A spokesman for Cornerstone said: "The proposal is to install electronic communications apparatus/development ancillary to radio equipment housing on behalf of Cornerstone.

"This option has been chosen as it utilises an existing installation which will improve coverage with minimal changes to the equipment, reducing the visual impact on the surrounding area as far as technically possible".

Despite Cornerstone not confirming if 5G equipment will be added as part of the equipment upgrades, residents in the area expressed concern.

One person said: "In the event the replacement equipment is to be 5G then I have the following objections: in the heart of the Sussex campus where students, faculty, visitors and employees will be, they will be subjected to high levels of radiation beaming from these antennas, day and night.

"The impact of this proposal on the health, including mental health, and well-being of students must be taken into account and is a material planning consideration."

The plans were approved by Brighton and Hove City Council on June 17.