A community association is objecting to renewed plans for advertising screens in a conservation area.

Plans for a phone kiosk with advertising screens in three streets in central Brighton are back after a planning inspector approved appeals made by the developers.

But members of the North Laine Community Association (NCLA) have expressed their upset at the proposals.

The developers want to build the advert screens, which would also have phone chargers and a defibrillator each, in Western Road, West Street and Jubilee Street.

Peter Wingate-Saul, a trustee of the NLCA and the group’s planning coordinator, said the screen in Jubilee Street, called a “pulse smart hub”, would be “detrimental to public amenity”.

In the objection, he wrote: “The location is in the North Laine Conservation Area. Whilst we accept that the immediately surrounding environment is not typical of the North Laine as a whole, considerable care was taken over the design of Jubilee Square and Jubilee street, which form an important link, both physical and visual, between the North Laine and New Road.

“We are disappointed that this artist’s impression of the installation, submitted by the applicant in their drawings, significantly under-represents the size of the installation and therefore of the advertising screen.”

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An artist's impression of the screen. The NLCA say this 'significantly under-represents' the scale of itAn artist's impression of the screen. The NLCA say this 'significantly under-represents' the scale of it (Image: BHCC)

In the planning and heritage statement, planning consultants DPV Consult said: “Except for the conservation area there are no other designated or non-designated heritage assets.

“The installation process will not require any substantive below ground excavation and as such the proposals will not have a deleterious impact on any archaeological interest.

“The remaining designations are characteristic of the site’s location within a central, commercial location where street furniture and advertisement content is widely seen.

The design sits comfortably within the streetscape, with either a modern or historic backdrop.”

The NLCA said: “We cannot agree that this design, with its large illuminated advertising screens 'sits comfortably within the streetscape’.

“Of particular concern is the impact of the advertising screens upon the significant view from Jubilee Square down Jubilee Street towards New Road and the Theatre Royal (a listed building).”

After the consultation a recommendation will be made or the plans will go to the planning committee for a decision.