A car wash worker has been charged with killing a father-of-two.

Anthony Barrigan, 44, died unexpectedly six weeks after he was assaulted in Windsor Street, Brighton, in June 2022.

Now, nearly two years after the assault, Lucian Sorenau has appeared in court accused of manslaughter after Mr Barrigan died from a pulmonary thromboembolism.

Appearing at Brighton Magistrates Court, Kevin Light, defending the 31-year-old, said Sorenau denied the charge, claiming the incident was self-defence.

Police were called to a delivery bay in Windsor Street at around 10.30pm on Saturday, June 18, 2022, following reports of an assault on Mr Barrigan and a woman he was with.

Sorenau, of Heron Court in Whitehawk, and his father were arrested and released under investigation at the time. The case against his father was dropped.

On August 1, 2022, Barrigan, originally from Liverpool, died from a pulmonary thromboembolism in Birmingham.

Sorenau, who is originally from Romania but has lived in the UK for eight years, has been charged with manslaughter and assault causing actual bodily harm to a woman.

He has been bailed to appear at a crown court to be determined next month.