It is an important moment for our garden birds as many of this year's babies begin to fledge.

That also means you can see some adorable sights in gardens and nature reserves when chicks take a leap, or flight, of faith into the big wide world.

This fluffy baby blue tit is learning how to make it in the big wide worldThis fluffy baby blue tit is learning how to make it in the big wide world (Image: Claire Andrews)

Camera club snapper Claire Andrews got a front row seat in her Sussex garden to watch a fluffy blue tit fledging. 

While the mother pictured here likely laid eight to 12 eggs, many of those will not have made it.

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For the young blue tits who do survive, June and July is about staying close to their parents who continue to feed them after they have fledged.

A glorious goldfinch in Claire's gardenA glorious goldfinch in Claire's garden (Image: Claire Andrews)

It is a tricky time for young birds, who need to learn how to avoid predators and get their own food. But it does make for some lovely sights as the parents teach their young how to make it on their own. 

Claire also captured a vibrant goldfinch perching proudly on her tree.