Visitors have been warned to avoid "dangerous" and "brittle" cliff edges.

A spokesman for Seven Sisters County Park in Seaford has advised people to keep away from the edges and stick to designated footpaths when exploring the area.

This warning comes after recent cliff falls and sightings of people heading towards cliff edges for photos.

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A spokesman for Seven Sisters Country Park said: "However tempting it is, the cliff edge is a dangerous place to be.

"If you do happen to find yourself on the coast, keep away from the cliffs.

"They are very, very old and very, very brittle.

"Stick to the footpath, keep your distance and keep safe."

A cliff fall was reported in Newhaven just last month.

On May 19, a large section of the cliffs crashed onto the beach.

The collapse happened just metres from a public footpath and a mobile home park housing hundreds of residents.

Cliff falls this year have also been reported in Seaford and Peacehaven.