Caravans have now vacated a village green encampment but have left behind litter.

After over three weeks at Goring Gap, caravans and other vehicles have now left their unauthorised encampment.

Nine vehicles, including vans and caravans, were camped on Goring Gap in Marine Drive.

Pet hutches, milk churns and quad bikes were also present at the site, with black bin bags discarded in nearby bushes.

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Rubbish was found at the site after the group left.

Worthing Borough Council said: “Since the group left the site yesterday our cleansing team has been clearing black bag waste and will be removing any remaining green waste over the next few days.

“To minimise disruption we left the public toilets unlocked last week and provided extra bins for people to use to try to keep the area clean.

“We, alongside lead authority West Sussex County Council and Sussex Police, also regularly visited the site to check on any impact felt by residents living nearby.”

West Sussex County Council and Sussex Police monitored the situation.