Argus readers have voted for their favourite dog.

Little shih tzu cross Bailey was the people's favourite when we put pictures of readers' pets in the paper last month and asked you to vote on them.

The winner picks up a £50 shopping voucher.

Bailey posing for a pictureBailey posing for a picture (Image: Supplied)

And since the voucher would be no use to two-year-old Bailey, we gave it to his owner, Patricia Hughes, from Hove.

"We went to collect him in Eastbourne and had never met him before. We met in a park and I was standing by the car," she said.

"As he turned around the corner he just knew he had to come to me."

Bailey has been her best friend and is always by her side, whether he is going out for walks, watching the TV or cuddling up on the sofa.

"He doesn't take his eyes off me. He's such a good boy," said Patricia.