Vital roof repairs are taking place at a Grade II listed museum.

Work has begun on the 220-year-old roof of Brighton Museum and Art Gallery following a concerning structural survey.

In 2019, an assessment found that the building needed urgent repairs, including to the roof, restoration of Georgian lighting and rejuvenation of the central gallery space.

The repairs are part of a building project led by Brighton and Hove Museums funded by a £1,463,769 grant from Arts Council England and £500,000 from Brighton and Hove City Council.

The work is expected to reduce energy costs and improve ventilation and insulation.

The museum is due to close for a month in August and the 20th century gallery and Willets Gallery will be closed for the duration of the project.

CEO of the Royal Pavilion and Museums Trust Hedley Swain said: “Brighton Museum and Art Gallery is an important historic building, part of the Royal Pavilion estate.

“It’s so important that buildings like this are maintained for the benefit of current and future generations.

“Visitors to the museum will be able to appreciate our artworks and exhibitions knowing the building is more sustainable, energy efficient with better lighting and ventilation.

“We are so grateful to the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport and Arts Council England for this important award from the Cultural Investment Funds, including Museum Estate and Development Fund and Brighton and Hove City Council to whom we are also deeply grateful.”