Offices above a pub will not be converted into a flat over concerns that "satisfactory living conditions" would not be met.

Rodway Planning Consultancy Limited, on behalf of Johns’ Yard Limited, submitted plans to transform a first-floor office space into a flat above the Piston Broke in High Street, Shoreham.

The proposal was for the flat to have one bedroom, one bathroom, an open-plan kitchen, dining and living room space, and its own entrance.

READ MORE: Victorian pub with dance floor will be partly turned into flats

The second-floor office and ground-floor pub would have remained the same and no external changes to the building would have been made.

However, Adur and Worthing Councils rejected the plans over concerns about living conditions for future residents.

A spokesman for the council said: "The proposed change of use from office to residential would result in the creation of a dwelling in close proximity to a range of commercial uses including a drinking establishment and live music venue directly below.

"Owing to noise created by these nearby commercial uses, continuing late into the evening and night-time, and with no noise assessment having been submitted, the local planning authority is not satisfied that satisfactory living conditions would be provided for the future occupiers of the residential dwelling."

The plans were rejected on June 4.