A bomb shell which was found by a farmer exploded and left a crater in a field.

The army was called in after the 120mm shell was found just beneath the surface while the farmer was digging in the field located in the village of Winchelsea Beach.

They raised the alarm and Sussex Police closed nearby Pett Level Road to make sure nobody would get hurt if it detonated.

The bomb squad turned up later to destroy the shell after identifying it as a 120mm high-explosive squash head practice round.

The shell was used in British tanks against concrete fortifications and metal armour, such as those in other vehicles.

A spokesman for the Ministry of Defence said: "We can confirm an Army Explosive Ordnance Disposal team was called out to Winchelsea Beach at the request of Sussex Police.

"The item found, a 120mm high-explosive squash head practice round, was safely disposed of in situ."

The shell was detonated in the field leaving a crater on the southern ditch bank.

A Sussex Police spokesman said: "Police were called to a report of unexploded ordnance on a path near Pett Level Beach on Wednesday morning.

"The device was safely destroyed by an Explosive Ordinance Disposal team."