A father of three who is standing to become an MP says he wants to protect the Sussex countryside and support farmers.

Labour Party candidate for Arundel and South Downs Chris Philipsborn will be going up against Conservative Andrew Griffith, who is hoping to be re-elected at the General Election on July 4.

The constituency of Arundel and South Downs was created in 1997 and has always been held by the Conservatives.

Mr Griffith, who also served as a minister of state for science, research and innovation, has represented the constituency since the last general election in 2019.

Mr Philipsborn says the area is in "desperate" need of change.

“I’ve lived, worked and brought up my three sons in Sussex,” he said.

“We've lived in towns and cities but also in a rural community. I’m standing because after 14 years and five Tory prime ministers, I believe all of us desperately need change.

Mr Philipsborn has worked in commercial, non-governmental organisations and the public sector and said he knows “all too well the highs and lows of running a business”.

“I understand the challenges we face all over this constituency, from a lack of rural transport links to unaffordable housing and developments built without suitable infrastructure,” he said.

“I want to protect our countryside and our environment, cleaning up our rivers and making it easier for farmers to grow food and protect biodiversity. I also want to fight for jobs and the rural economy as a whole.

“Hard working families should not be struggling to make it through the month and relying on food banks. Like so many, I’ve cared for two aging parents. We need our NHS back on its feet and our care system fixed.”

Other candidates standing in the constituency are Liberal Democrat Richard Allen, Green Party candidate Steve McAuliff and Reform UK’s David Thomas.