A woman accused of plotting the murder of her husband's first wife over 40 years ago strongly denied the accusations in interviews with police.

Margaret Morgan, 75, and her husband Allen, 73, of Stanstead Crescent, Woodingdean, Brighton, are on trial accused of conspiracy to murder.

The body of 36-year-old Carol Morgan was found in her shop, Morgan's Store, in Linslade, Bedfordshire, on August 13, 1981.

Allen and Margaret Morgan, who had been in a “passionate, but forbidden and adulterous love affair”, hatched a plan to murder her, their Luton Crown Court trial heard.

As the prosecution presented its final pieces of evidence, jurors were shown videos of Margaret Morgan's police interviews at Bedfordshire Police HQ in Kempston, Bedford, on July 1, 2021.

The clips showed Margaret repeatedly denying any involvement in Carol Morgan's death while being interrogated by officers.

"I categorically have nothing to do with it," she told them.

She was asked how soon her affair with Allen began after he and Carol moved to Linslade, Bedfordshire, in December 1979.

Margaret replied: "Months, I would imagine, because I didn't even know that little shop was there.”

She also said that she befriended Carol and helped introduce her to the neighbourhood in Linslade where she and her then husband Mike Spooner had been living for five or six years.

Officers described to Morgan how, soon afterwards, Allen spotted her struggling with a pram and offered to help her.

They told Morgan they believed Carol became aware of their affair about three weeks before her murder.

She responded: "I did query the length of time, but yes, I'm aware that she found out."

Police asked if she knew how Carol found out, and Morgan replied that she did not.

READ MORE: Ex-husband 'shocked and disappointed' by wife's affair, murder conspiracy trial told

The officer said: "The one thing that's obvious, Margaret, is you're trying to minimise this affair with Allen. You're calling it a 'silly little fling'."

She said: "It started off as a silly little fling and developed into something more serious."

Officers asked Morgan about a canal boat trip she went on with her neighbour Sheila Forrest before the murder. They pressed her about the number of times Allen visited her during the trip.

She said: "No comment. Purely and simply because I can't remember half of it.”

She added that she saw Allen "as much of a friend" at the time, as she did Carol.

In another interview, also on July 7, 2021, police put to Mrs Morgan that she was involved in planning Carol's murder.

She said: "No. I've never been involved in conspiracy or murder or whatever you want to call it."

Police then asked what had kept the two of them together for over 40 years. She replied they had shared interests such as golf, and that she helped care for him.

The jury was also shown newspaper clippings in the days and months after the murder, as well as recordings of brief conversations between Morgan and Morgan while in police vehicles.

The prosecution is said to conclude its evidence on Wednesday, with closing speeches towards the end of the week.

Margaret Morgan and her husband Allen both deny the charge of conspiracy to murder.