A new 5G mast could be put up despite being initially refused.

Cornerstone has resubmitted amended plans to Brighton and Hove City Council for a new telecommunications mast on land in Carden Avenue, Patcham, Brighton.

This comes after the previous proposal was turned down in March after concerns about the visual impact of the structure and the potential effect the site may have on nearby trees.

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Since then, Galliford Try has submitted new plans on behalf of Cornerstone for the same site.

The new proposed mast will be 17.5 metres in height if it is approved, as opposed to 20 metres tall, which was the proposed height in the first set of plans.

It will have six antennas, two equipment cabinets, and a one-metre cabinet connected to the mast.

An assessment has also been carried out by the company to minimise previous concerns about the nearby tree roots.

In the new plans, a spokesman for Galliford Try said: "The intention is for the proposed base station site to provide new and improved network services to those living, working, and travelling in the local area.

"The proposed development will provide multi-generational (including 5G) telecommunications coverage for Vodafone Limited."

Cornerstone said the mast will have "many social and economic benefits associated with modern communications network services".

This includes offering the newest technology services.

They said: "High quality and reliable communications infrastructure are essential for economic growth and social well-being and the demand for mobile data in the UK is increasing rapidly as households and businesses become increasingly reliant on mobile connectivity.

"The infrastructure must therefore be in place to ensure supply does not become a constraint on future demand."

The plans also state that the site is the best option available and that it avoids "as many direct frontal and indirect views from neighbouring residential properties as possible".

Galliford Try said that the mast will be located just off the road which means it will "sit in context" with other street furniture.

A final decision on whether to approve the new plans will be made by July 28.