The RNLI has issued advice for paddleboarders as temperatures heat up.

The Shoreham RNLI team has urged people going out to sea to follow safety tips that will keep them safe and prevent accidents.

This includes paddleboarders being urged to hold onto their board if they are in trouble, to help them float, and to wear the connecting leash.

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People have also been urged to carry a phone with them so they can seek help if and when needed.

The RNLI recommends that people use a lifeguarded beach and inform someone on the shore of where they are going and when they will be back.

People should also wear suitable clothing and try to paddle with someone else for safety reasons.

Flotation devices are recommended to help people if they get into trouble at sea.

A spokesman for the RNLI said: "Tell someone else where you’re going and when you’ll be back. They can raise the alarm with the coastguard by calling 999 or 112 if you are overdue.

"Always check the weather forecast and tide times.

"Don’t get caught out by the conditions. Avoid offshore winds because they will tire you quickly when trying to return to shore."