A teenager has been arrested after Fatboy Slim’s café was vandalised.

The Big Beach Café in Hove was unable to open on Friday morning because of the damage to the building.

The café, at Hove Lagoon, Kingsway, shared CCTV images of several youths with bikes following the incident.

Images on social media showed one youngster holding what appeared to be part of a paving slab above his head and throwing it.

Further photographs showed the extent of the damage with the café’s shutters warped and broken.

Broken glass was scattered over the ground.

On Friday, the café said in a post on Instagram: “Sorry we are unable to open our kitchen this morning as these three vile hooligans have caused ££££ of damage to our community business.

“Please share and get in touch with their details so we can prosecute them and make them pay for their actions.”

Sussex Police have now confirmed three suspects have been identified and a 15-year-old boy from Brighton has been arrested today.

The force said nothing was reported as stolen following.

A police spokesman said: “Police are investigating a report of criminal damage at Big Beach Café in Hove Lagoon, which is reported to have occurred some time between 6pm on May 30 and 8am on May 31.

“A number of windows were smashed; nothing was reported stolen.

“Three suspects have been identified, including a 15-year-old boy from Brighton who was arrested on June 3, and our enquiries are ongoing.

“In the meantime, anyone with information is asked to report it online or call 101, quoting serial 226 of 31/05.

“You can also contact the independent charity Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111 or report it online. www.crimestoppers-uk.org.”

Internationally renowned DJ Fatboy Slim, real name Norman Cook, bought the cafe in 2013 from former model, businesswoman and animal rights activist Heather Mills.

The ex-wife of Beatles star Paul McCartney ran the vegan café V Bites for four years.