A cathedral has been named as one of the best free places to visit in the UK.

Chichester Cathedral was listed by Which? among the top 17 best rated museums, galleries, cathedrals and other historical sites that are free.

It was 13th on the list and was the only Sussex attraction.

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More than 4,000 people participated in the survey.

The cathedral also featured in Which?'s list of the seven best free historic attractions, coming in at number three.

A cathedral spokesman said: "We are thrilled to be recognised among the UK's best free historic attractions and proud to represent Sussex on this prestigious list, welcoming thousands of visitors and pilgrims through our doors over the past year.

"Our heartfelt thanks go to our dedicated staff, volunteers and supporters - we couldn't do it without them."

The cathedral is open Monday to Saturday from 9am to 5pm and Sunday from 12.30pm until 2.30pm.

Other attractions on the list included Bristol Cathedral and Durham Cathedral.