The Conservatives have selected their candidate to stand in East Worthing and Shoreham at the upcoming General Election.

Leila Williams was selected yesterday by the East Worthing and Shoreham Conservative Association to succeed Tim Loughton, who is retiring after 27 years as the constituency’s MP.

Ms Williams currently works as the deputy divisional director of operations for University Sussex Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.

She is also a former association chairman and previously served the community on Adur District Council as the councillor for Hillside. She lives locally with her two children and, outside of politics, enjoys running marathons.

“I am delighted to have been selected as the Conservative party candidate for the area in which I have lived and worked for many years,” she said.

“I am a local mother of two with 15 years NHS service, currently working in Worthing and Southlands hospitals.

“I am passionate about getting a better deal for working parents and developing affordable housing solutions for those looking to rent or buy. I also intend to use my extensive NHS experience to improve access to doctors and dentists as know these are really key issues in our local area.”

Other candidates standing in the constituency are Labour's Tom Rutland and Liberal Democrat candidate David Batchelor.