A robber threatened people with an angle grinder as they tried to stop him stealing a bike.

The owner had left his bike locked up in King’s Road, near Cavendish Place, Brighton, while he was on the lower seafront promenade.

A while later he looked up and saw sparks flying and George Jhugroo using an angle grinder to remove the lock from his bike.

Members of the public gathered around Jhugroo, asking him to stop. In response he threatened to assault them with the powerful tool.

After removing the lock, the 24-year-old rode off on the bike towards Norfolk Square.

Following the robbery, Jhugroo was injured in an altercation and the bike was later recovered.

The same day, Jhugroo attended the Royal Sussex County Hospital in Brighton for treatment, where he was intercepted by police and arrested.

He was bailed with strict conditions pending further enquiries.

Jhugroo, of Brookfields Avenue in Mitcham, Surrey, was charged on February 5 with robbery and possession of an offensive weapon in a public place.

On April 4, Jhugroo pleaded guilty to the charges and was sentenced on May 23 at Lewes Crown Court to 33 months imprisonment.

Detective Constable James Botting said: “The swift action of witnesses reporting crucial detail ensured that police were able to quickly apprehend Jhugroo.

“We hope this sentence serves as a deterrent to others considering similar criminal activities.

“We are grateful to those who confronted Jhugroo but we want to remind the public that their safety is paramount.

“If you witness a crime in progress, please act with caution and call 999 at the earliest opportunity.

“Your safety is more important than anything else."