Youths have been throwing stones at seals, kicking waterfowl and firing ball bearings at wild birds, says a rescue charity.

In one horrific incident someone saw a Canada Goose being kicked down an embankment at Hailsham Common Pond while another goose was shot and killed with a ball-bearing from a catapult at Hailsham Country Park.

East Sussex Wildlife Rescue and Ambulance Service (WRAS) said it has been alerted to many cases of animals being injured and abused by youngsters.

It is now urging people to report any such incidents.

Over the past weeks, the charity has received reports of youths throwing stones at wildlife, kicking waterfowl and firing ball bearings at wild birds.

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There were also reports of young people throwing stones at seals on beaches around Seaford and Eastbourne.

The charity said it dealt with more than 25 incidents involving youngsters using catapults along the Cuckoo Trail between Polegate and Horam.

A woodpigeon was rescued after being wounded with a ball bearing lodged into its chest, and a duck was injured near Ringmer Recreation Ground in a catapult incident.

The Argus: Birds and other animals have been shot with catapults

There have also been incidents of young people using air guns.

A fox in Hailsham was shot in the face with an air rifle and died a few weeks later with an infection.

Trevor Weeks, founder and operations director of East Sussex Wildlife Rescue and Ambulance Service, said: "On Monday I rushed down to Hailsham Country Park after reports of a Canada Goose having just been hit by young persons using a catapult.

"Sadly, the goose was floating in the water dead when I arrived. The body was still warm. 

"The remaining parent which is now having to raise seven goslings on its own was looking very perplexed."

The charity has issued a plea for people to report incidents of humans hurting wildlife to Sussex Police.

Trevor said: “I worry about these young people. There is a direct link between animal abuse and domestic violence, including child abuse, elder abuse and other violent behaviour.

"I just hope that these people can be stopped and can start to receive the help that they need."

Sussex Police have been approached for comment.