An application for a controversial weapons factory to retain a temporary extension is set to be considered next week.

Brighton and Hove City councillors are being asked to consider the plans submitted by manufacturing company L3 Harris for its Moulsecoomb factory.

The extension was granted a temporary, five-year permission in 2018. It is located at the back of the site in the north-western corner, measures 15 metres by 15 metres and is 7.6 metres high.

Hundreds of people have objected to the plans over the factory’s supply of bomb racks for fighter jets used in the Israel-Gaza conflict.

Read more: L3Harris arms factory's Brighton landlords won't renew lease

In total 603 comments were received, including 602 objections and one in support. A petition with 130 signatures was also received.

The application was originally due to be heard in March but was delayed while the planning committee sought legal advice on the potential implications of the application.

A decision will now be made next Wednesday.

The legal advice that has since been provided states that, in this case, councillors need to consider whether granting or refusing this application for planning permission could have a disproportionate impact on individuals or groups with protected characteristics.

The Public Sector Equality Duty requires the council to pay due regard to the need to eliminate discrimination, harassment, and victimisation and to the fostering of good relations between persons of one race and another, or of one religion and another.

In the meeting, after a presentation from planning officers and input from any speakers for and against the scheme, committee members will then have the opportunity to ask questions and debate before voting to grant or refuse the application.

Key considerations in that decision will include the principle of the development; the design and impact on the character of the area; and other material considerations.

Councillors will vote on the decision at the planning committee meeting. If a majority votes in favour, then the application is approved.

The meeting will be webcast live on the council's website from 2pm.