A school where pupils are “challenged to excel” has been highly praised in its first outstanding Ofsted report.

Beacon Academy, a secondary school and sixth form in Crowborough, was lauded by the education watchdog for helping its students to become “motivated, articulate, resilient and knowledgeable”.

The report, published on May 21, said: “Pupils succeed in living up to this school’s high ambitions for them.

“Disadvantaged pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (Send), are no exception to this.

“Last year’s GCSE examination outcomes reflect the strength of pupils’ exceptional achievement.

“Pupils enjoy varied and enriching opportunities.”

The school, in North Beeches Road, was inspected by a team from Ofsted, including lead inspector Daniel Botting, on April 16 and 17 this year.

It has a separate campus for sixth formers.

“Students in the sixth form enjoy the independence of their own campus,” the report said.

“They serve as leaders and role models within the school. For example, sixth-form students mentor pupils in key stage four to help them through their examinations.

“Strong achievement across a range of courses enables Year 13 leavers to go on to an array of exciting destinations.”

Beacon Academy was rated outstanding in all five categories: quality of education, behaviour and attitudes, personal development, leadership and management, and sixth form provision.

Inspectors also praised the school’s management team.

The report said: “Leaders make every effort to make sure that staff workload is manageable. The school’s feedback policy, for example, ensures that pupils receive helpful guidance without being burdensome for teachers.

“Staff benefit from extensive professional learning. This enables the school to develop ‘expert teachers’ in each subject. Consequently, all pupils benefit from the school’s consistent and rigorous approach to teaching.”

The school, which has 1,625 pupils on the roll, was lauded for the positive attitudes it fosters in its students.

“Pupils are polite and respectful towards each other and with staff,” the inspectors said.

“Their behaviour contributes to the culture of learning in classes. Pupils know that the student support team are there to support them if they need.”

The school had its last full inspection in 2017 when it was rated good.